Month: November 2018

Colonial Leaders

Who is Thomas Hooker?

Founder of connecticut colony.

development of colonial New England.

Out standing speaker.

The father of connecticut.

He was a puritan.

He was a democratic.

He played a key role in the development of connecticut.

He was a book writer.

He was a poeiticon.

That is Thomas Hooker?


Colonial glassmaker

I am a glassmaker and being a glassmaker is a hard job. Glass making all started in 1739 in New Jersey. The glass was made out of sand and chemicals.We all had to use a hot pit of fire to make the glass sculpture. How it work’s is like this you put liquid glass on the end of a tube and blow into it the tube and it’s make’s a bubble of glass and you canĀ  shape it.Glass making is a fun job but its hard to.The fun thing about it is you can shape it in to what ever you like.Like a turtle and a angle but that’s not all you can have what you like and even more.