Month: March 2019

Miley Cyrus

Miley is famous for acting and singing.Miley was very wealthy growing up.When she was 8 she was on the show the doc and the big fish.We are alike we because both have the same b-day.We both like to sing.We are different because she is 5’5 I’m not.She has brothers I do not.I asked some one what they think about miley they said she is out going and pretty and amazing.

Dueling Mandates in yellowstone.

The population is going down if we do not do something. The (bears,eagles,and otters).


Pros-Reintroducing cutting 32 million not bad destroying the lake tcout.


con-Elimminating all of fish life.181 million$ is a lot.


con-Sales the lake trouts than killing them.Not enough fish.


Pros-leaving the lake trout,all go away it’s a good idea.


con-they might die leaving the lake trouts all aloud,oferder popleted.


pros-Chating the lake trout,They would not get over populated people.


con-Angalers could eat all of the lake trout angler could get over populated,Cost a lot.